This video is a comprehensive video series on stock handling, intended for use as visual learning guide after reading the 2019 manual or 2004 book. I've taken many video clips used for teaching at stockmanship schools and compiled them into a video series. I've put the videos on a USB 3.0 flash drive so they can be viewed on a computer, hooked up to a TV or other device via USB. The videos are a 5 part, 5.5 hour set comprised of examples of getting herds calm and working well, driving well, placing and settling stock, weaning and working stock in facilities. The video series for $180.00 with free shipping in the US. To order write me @ [email protected], phone 731-336-1167 or message or text. To pay with a credit card, email me with your address and order and I will send an invoice after shipping thru a PayPal email-you don't need a PayPal account to pay.
This video is a comprehensive video series on stock handling, intended for use as visual learning guide after reading the 2019 manual or 2004 book. I've taken many video clips used for teaching at stockmanship schools and compiled them into a video series. I've put the videos on a USB 3.0 flash drive so they can be viewed on a computer, hooked up to a TV or other device via USB. The videos are a 5 part, 5.5 hour set comprised of examples of getting herds calm and working well, driving well, placing and settling stock, weaning and working stock in facilities. The video series for $180.00 with free shipping in the US. To order write me @ [email protected], phone 731-336-1167 or message or text. To pay with a credit card, email me with your address and order and I will send an invoice after shipping thru a PayPal email-you don't need a PayPal account to pay.
Above, as a companion to my 2019 Manual of Stockmanship (and my 2004 Stockmanship book), I've written a 53 page, 3.5"X5" pocket guide to stockmanship-titled "A Pocket Guide to Stock Handling" for the Range Rider. In it, are summary tips for effectively dealing with many stock handling situations, from first approaching stock to rider monitoring items. It should help riders/handlers new to stockmanship to quickly recall essential points when out in the field. It sells for $8.00 which includes shipping, in the US. To order, call 731-336-1167 or write an email to [email protected].
Manual of Stockmanship-$49.00

This new 400 page book, completed in 2019, has many more elements of stockmanship for the range rider over the 2004-150 page book. The 2004 book has undergone substantial expansion to include a great many more details and helpful diagrams about working stock in facilities, sorting, weaning, handling pairs, dealing with sensitive or aggressive stock, loading and dealing with handling issues common to all producers. It also includes sections on bison and grazing and soils that are remarkable accounts that we can use to enhance, protect or restore our grazing lands. This book, while an exhaustive manual for range riders, has very useful information for all operations including feedlots, dairies and smaller operations.
The book is for sale for $49.00 which includes shipping in the US. For out of country orders, or for ordering larger quantities, please email or call us. Phone is 731-336-1167, email is [email protected]. Idaho residents must add 6% for sales tax which will make a total of $51.94 per book. If you wish to pay by credit card, email us with your order and we can email you an invoice after shipping. You can pay off of this invoice without needing to have a PayPal account. If you wish to order by mail, you may send us a check with an order (include your mailing address please) and we will send you a book. You can also email or call and we can send you a book and an invoice and you can send us a check. Please make the check out to Steve Cote-address is PO Box 642, Arco, Idaho. Email again is: [email protected]
Below is the Table of Contents for the new Manual of Stockmanship. As you can see it covers many topics for the range rider but also for the dairy farmer, small ranch and feedlot.
The 2004 book is still available (quantities limited) from the Butte Soil and Water Conservation District or online.
Whit Hibbard a Montana Rancher who also teaches stockmanship. He has collected a lot of good information and put it on his stockmanship journal website. I suggest visiting the site and if you get only one item get his interview with Bud and Eunice Williams (we call it the Bud Bible). Its available for a small cost. The URL for the site is:
I am on Facebook also,
Eunice Williams has a valuable website at,